Making a complaint about your train company

If you have a complaint about a train company please contact them first.

Please follow the tips below to complain about your train company:

  1. Gather the relevant information: this could include specific journey details such as departure station, date, time and ticket type.
  2. Contact the train company concerned: this may be done via their website, by email or by phone.
  3. Finding a resolution: you should receive a response within 20 working days.
  4. Not happy with the response? If you are not happy with the response, ask them to look at it again. The train company has a maximum of 40 working days to try to find a resolution.


If the complaint cannot be resolved, the Rail Ombudsman is able to look at the complaint from an independent perspective. The Rail Ombudsman is a free service and any decision it makes is binding upon the train service provider.

For further details about the Rail Ombudsman and how it may be able to assist, please visit their website.

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