ORR research into accessibility


We regularly commission research, working with expert agencies and the rail industry to gather feedback on passengers' experiences of accessibility, and assisted travel services.

This is essential for monitoring the quality of assistance passengers are receiving, and accessibility in general. We use this evidence to inform the industry about potential areas for improvement, and to guide our targeted engagement.

Since 2017 we have conducted annual research on booked passenger assistance, surveying passengers to measure satisfaction levels on an industry and operator level.

We have also delivered research projects focusing on website accessibility, and unbooked assistance and help points at unstaffed or partially staffed stations.

Experiences of Passenger Assist research report

We commissioned research agency MEL Research to undertake research on our behalf, to investigate the extent to which Passenger Assist is meeting users’ needs and overall expectations as well as well individual operators are meeting their Passenger Assist obligations.

The latest research report covers the period from April 2023 to March 2024.