
Here you’ll find all our consultations, both open and concluded, past policy, licence and access casework consultations. You’ll also find our response to consultations from other organisations.

Periodic review 2018 (PR18) initial consultation and conclusions

10 August 2016
In May 2016, we published our first major consultation on the 2018 periodic review (PR18). PR18 would determine Network Rail Infrastructure Limited’s (Network Rail’s) outputs and funding in control period 6 (CP6, which will run from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2024). P

Network Charges - a consultation on how charges can improve efficiency

3 August 2016
Date published: 10 December 2015 Closing date: 4 March 2016 This consultation looked at the way in which Network Rail charges train operators for use of its network. These charges affect decisions made by operators, Network Rail and funders. This was the first consultation as part of a comprehensive review of Network Rail’s structure of charges for Control Period 6, (CP6) - (2019-2024) and beyond

Monitoring Highways England’s network investment

20 July 2016
This consultation has now concluded. Conclusions and next steps We consulted on our approach to monitoring Highways England’s delivery of its network investment in summer 2016. The approach detailed in this document takes account of the responses received and sets out how the ORR monitors Highways England’s network investment plans and delivery of those plans, against the requirements of the Road

Consultation on Eurotunnel’s Network Statement

19 February 2016
This consultation is now closed. Outcome Our comments have been developed in line with the principles set out in the co-operation agreement between ORR and ARAFER and with regard to the requirements of the Recast Directive (2012/34 EU). Eurotunnel Network Statement 2017 19 February 2016 Consultation Date published: 24 July 2015 Closing date: 18 September 2015 On 16 June 2015 Directive 2012/34/EU[1

Consultation on improving Schedule 5 of the model freight track access contract

20 January 2016
On 6 November 2015 we consulted on proposed changes to Schedule 5 and the associated Rights Table in the model freight track access contract. This also included consequential changes to Schedule 4. These changes are to reflect the move away from freight access rights having "Levels" and towards having origin and destination timing windows for services. We also proposed to simplify the Rights Table

Preparatory work for the review of Schedules 4 and 8

13 November 2015
In late 2015, we began preparing for reviews of Schedules 4 and 8 of the track access contract (the possessions and performance regimes, respectively) for the 2018 periodic review of Network Rail (PR18).

Enforcement policy for Highways England

3 July 2015
Date published: 3 July 2015 Closing date: 25 September 2015 This was ORR's second consultation on its new Highways Monitor role. The Highways Monitor was established to monitor the performance and efficiency of Highways England (previously the Highways Agency) in its management and enhancement of the strategic road network – the motorways and major 'A' roads in England. In addition to our